Choose your device from the list below to view step-by-step instructions. If you do not see your device listed, this step is not applicable to your chosen device. For all devices, make sure your WiFi connection is strong, or confirm your ethernet cable is properly plugged in.

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Amazon, Android Mobile, Android TV, Roku, tvOS

Open Settings, then Connection. Here, you can see the speed you are currently streaming Make sure your streaming speed is equal to or greater than the recommendations linked here If it is not, check to make sure your bandwidth usage is set to Best Quality – No Limit

Google Chrome Browser, LG TV, Samsung

Close the Sling TV application on your device Next, click here to run a speed test Make sure your streaming speed is equal to or greater than the recommendations here

XBOX One, Windows 10

Start by launching the menu, then opening Settings Next, open Bandwidth Limiting. Here, you can see the speed you are currently streaming Make sure your streaming speed is equal to or greater than the recommendations here If it is not, check to make sure your bandwidth usage is set to Best Quality – No Limit


Open Settings, then Connection Under Bandwidth, highlight the check mark next to Show streaming speed during video Return to your My TV screen and select a channel or program to stream The streaming speed will be available in the upper corner of the player window