For every customer interaction, you are required to research the customer’s account information and contact history to understand the full scope of their issue or request.

Run through the checklist below to ensure that you are providing the correct solution and resolving the customer’s issue.


  • Existing Tickets
    • Search for existing tickets to understand the customer’s experience with Sling TV
  • Contact Frequency
    • Understand the customer’s history contacting Sling TV to head off frustrations and understand any unvoiced needs
  • Previously Offered Solutions
    • Do not offer the same solution twice! To provide excellent customer experience, you must understand what attempts the customer has previously made to resolve their issue
  • Account Type
    • Different account types have different rules; You must follow the appropriate business rules for the given account type
  • Payment History
    • Review the customer’s account in IcePak to understand the customer’s full payment history and any recent unexpected charges
  • Known Issues
    • Always check Known Issues and Outage Alerts before providing a solution; Failing to do so may result in failing to resolve the customer’s issue, and ultimately creating a bad customer experience